Popdex crawls over 14,000 sites daily to determine the most popular links on the Internet. more...
1 |
What a Crappy Present - CD Gift Advice, Parents and Kids
www.whatacrappypresent.com/ |
popscore |
100.0 |
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2 |
CBS News | 9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable | December 18, 2003 07:38:02
www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/12/17/eveningnews/main589137.shtml |

96.4 |
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3 |
About Google Print (BETA)
print.google.com/print/faq.html |

65.2 |
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4 |
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | The best of British blogging
www.guardian.co.uk/online/weblogs/story/0,14024,1108883,00.html |

58.9 |
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5 |
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | The revolution should not be eulogised
www.guardian.co.uk/online/weblogs/story/0,14024,1108306,00.html |

58.9 |
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6 |
No. 03-7015; Recording Industry Association of Ame
pacer.cadc.uscourts.gov/docs/common/opinions/200312/03-7015a.pdf |

42.9 |
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7 |
The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers Official Movie Site : Trailer, Pictures, ...
www.lordoftherings.net/ |

38.4 |
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8 |
www.afa.net/petitions/marriagepoll.asp |

36.6 |
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9 |
Shirky: The RIAA Succeeds Where the Cypherpunks Failed
www.shirky.com/writings/riaa_encryption.html |

33.9 |
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10 |
Nick Bradbury: Introducing...FeedDemon 1.0!
nick.typepad.com/blog/2003/12/introducingfeed.html |

33.0 |
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